Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kenneth Ma「一件頭」

I still have 5 more episodes to go for THC. I like it so far. TVB definitely started off great this year. I heard that the highest peak for THC finale is 39, not bad but I expected it to get at least a 40. But oh well...

Here's Kenneth Ma's Yat Kin Tau. I finished drawing this a few days ago but my scanner was broken so I can't post it (it's still broken~~). I have to use my camera to take a picture of it and post it so it's a bit blurry. Since his coat is white, it saved me a lot of time ^_^


  1. O.o YOU AMAZING PERSON!!!! wah!! I'm tearing up right now! Kenneth look so cool in there!!! ALL thumbs up! :D
